Monday, November 10, 2014

First of Many

    My guess would be that the most looked forward to day in a college students life, is the day they turn 21. The 21st birthday is not like most, it's the first day you can legally buy and/or have a taste of the alcohol most kids have never tasted before (that was sarcasm). Personally I have been waiting for my 21st birthday ever since I could remember, and it was a hell of a day.
    I never realized that I would enjoy that legal drink most with someone much older than me. As soon as I went home for fall break, I stepped off the plane to see my dad eagerly awaiting my arrival, and after the small talk he opposed the idea of stopping at a local brewery to grab my first legal drink with my best friend in the entire world, my dad. A lot of kids don't have the chance to have a drink with their parents for multiple reasons, but my dad is one who might even love beer more than myself.
    Sitting down to have a beer with my dad was one time I appreciated the littlest things in life. I realized how important my relationship with my dad was, and at the same time how similar we are as people. I've always been told how alike my dad and I are, but it all came into perspective as we sat bonding over his only sons first legal beer.
    Turning 21 was more than just being legal to drink alcohol, it was more than the idea of being able to go to bars without a fake ID, it was the first time I saw clearly while drinking. Those four beers I had with my dad that night made me realize I was sitting next to my best friend in the entire world. People say how much their parents impact their lives, and I'd be the first to say the same, but I came to terms with the idea that my dad is much more than that. He's someone who would do anything in the world for his family, and the fact his first thought was to go to a brewery with his newly legal son, made me realize he's more than a dad, he's someone who gets me better than any single one of my friends my own age.
     My first legal beer with my dad is one of many, but that feeling of talking to someone who has impacted your life in such a great manner in a casual setting is one of a kind.

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