Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Day That Will Live In Infamy

       On Tuesday, October 14, 2003 during a playoff game against the Florida Marlins, Steve Bartman, a local 26-year old global human resources worker from the Northern suburbs of Chicago, became the escape goat for all cubs fans. For me it was much more than just that.  
       The Chicago Cubs were one game away from making it to the world series in 2003. Bartman has been accused of being the reason they didn't make it, and as hard as it is to say, I would have done the same thing. Sitting in the 4th row above the visitors dugout, I was  there watching the cubs collapse after the infamous foul ball. One of the hardest things about that night was seeing my dad speechless for the first time in his life. I've grown up watching the cubs play at Wrigley Field my whole life. I was lucky enough to to have a dad who is a season ticket holder. 
       As I replay that night over and over again in my head, I realized that was one of the coolest experiences I have ever had with my dad. The Chicago Cubs have been a way my dad and I have connected over, and it has molded the relationship we have together. October 14th was the first time I saw my dad cry, it wasn't because he was hurt or let down, it was because his first love let him down. When I asked him that night why he cried, he told me that he didn't know if he would ever get to see the cubs win a world series. At that moment I realized the cubs were one thing that I would always have. They are one thing that would never leave my side. My dad and I have created a relationship over heart break. 
      Every moment I have spent at Wrigley Field isn't just watching baseball, it's watching the one thing I love like nothing else in this world. The reason they became my first love, was due to the night my dad and I experienced heart break together for the first time. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

4 the Best Years of Your Life

    Shotgunning a beer: Creating a hole in a beer can, while opening in up sideways in order to maximize air flow. Shotgunning is one of Americas pastimes, whether it is tipping back a Natty Light or if you are super classy, a Bud Light. Some people may think shotgunning is childish or immature, but in reality it is how you bond with a beer as well as your buddies. While shotgunning you really get the chance to see who your real friends are. Even if you're 12 beers deep, and a friend asks you to shotgun, you do it.
    The Beer Bong: Similar to shotgunning, but a completely different way of drinking a beer which involves funneling the beer as fast as you can. The beer bong is a way to open your throat and to prove who the real party animals are. While bonging a beer, you have the opportunity to become one with the beer. You have the chance to understand the amount of carbonation a beer has, as it slides down your throat. A little piece of advice is that if you want to make a name for yourself, do it by bonging multiple beers at once. It's a sign superiority.
    Beer Pong: A team sport with the objective of throwing a ping-pong ball into the opponents cup which is filled with beer. Beer Pong is a game where you find out who the real athletes are in the crowd.  The sport doesn't necessarily need two great players on one team, a lot of it has to do with the team chemistry. If two players work well with one another, the team can mentally ruin their opponents and take over to get the win.
    Punch Chug: The idea of filling up a red plastic cup to the top, followed by chugging it as fast as humanly possible. One may underestimate the power of punch chugging, but when you hear that guy in the corner of the room screaming "Punch CHUGGG" drop what you are doing and run to the punch to fill your cup. Punch chugs do hit you hard due to the massive amounts of liquor and sugar, but it is one thing that's almost impossible to turn down.
    The four things listed above are some of the biggest factors why college is the greatest place on  earth. They teach you about yourself, how to work well with others, and how to achieve the best possible four years of your entire life.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Beatles, The Stones, and Justin Bieber

    Music is one thing that has drastically changed over the years even more than Miley Cyrus's appearance. As a whole the music culture has gone from Woodstock to Lollapalooza, with the change in scenes as well as the people attending.
   The Beatles are a prime example of the fact music isn't what it used to be. Generations have began to drift away from Rock 'n' Roll type bands, and slowly adapted boy bands or even solo artists singing about heart break. The 1960's through mid 70's were a time where some music had such a controversial message, but had some of the most iconic bands to ever walk the earth. Music has changed to mainstream pop hip hop which young girls and guys love to sing along to.
    One of the biggest reasons music has changed so drastically is due to the fact people aren't willing to pay for their music. The early 2000's were a time where Limewire was a necessity for people to have on their computers even if it it attracted viruses. As a whole people are less willing to appreciate a artist or band and are less willing to pay for music.
     Music will always play a huge role in peoples lives, but the overall message artists or bands want to portray has become so different from what they used to be. An artist or bands goal is now to become top 10 on the charts, where as older bands wanted to send a message to their fans while forgetting about the money and doing it for the love of the art of music.
    The Grateful Dead refused to play a show due to the fact so many people were being arrested for smoking pot, while Justin Bieber cancelled a show due to low ticket sales. This shows how much change has occurred in the past 30 years, and has strayed away from the reasons music is being produced.
     To become famous in todays music culture it takes a love story, heart break, or any "good looking" artist. During the 70's it took good lyrics, great rhythm, and talent. It truly is sad to see people like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber becoming well known for the music that they perform.
    You can't control the tastes of a consumer, but music has become overtime, an excuse for attractive people to get their stardom by performing something someone else wrote for them.
      Lets go back to the times where music was a form of art, where bands wrote their music as a group, and where money wasn't a factor, but the fans were.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Nudie Magazine Day ft. Katniss Everdeen

   There comes a time in any young mans life, where a gorgeous nude photo of one of their favorite celebrities is leaked, which ultimately is better than winning the lottery. Jennifer Lawrence photos were recently leaked for anyone with the access of a smartphone, tablet, or a computer to be seen. These photos were not intended to be seen by the public, but one mind found a way to hack the phones of more than five celebrities, and made many young guys dreams come true.
 Society has become accepting of the "sexting" culture, which has led sick minded people to find a way to access the personal lives of celebrities all over the world by hacking into their personal electronics. These celebrities should not be to blame for the leaks, solely based on the fact they had no intention of the general public being able to access pictures of their bodies fully nude with one click of a button.

  Jennifer Lawrence is not at fault for any of this, and men wonder why rape or sexual assault is usually linked to men committing the act, and it's because of sick minded people like the one who leaked these photos. America has found ways to criticize someone famous for doing something that is perfectly legal, but they forget about the ones who commit the repulsive sex crimes of stealing a private electronic and exploit these celebrities bodies for the world to see.
 It is time America looks itself in the face and says this can't happen. It's time to stray away from this sex addicted culture that is ultimately leading to crimes like rape or sexual assault. Next time something like this happens, and I'm sure it will, don't always point your finger because the criminal may be the victim.
 I applaud Jennifer Lawrence, and the other victims who had to be part of this possible career ending debacle, for owning up to the photos. You all aren't the CRIMINALS, you're the VICTIMS.