Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Nudie Magazine Day ft. Katniss Everdeen

   There comes a time in any young mans life, where a gorgeous nude photo of one of their favorite celebrities is leaked, which ultimately is better than winning the lottery. Jennifer Lawrence photos were recently leaked for anyone with the access of a smartphone, tablet, or a computer to be seen. These photos were not intended to be seen by the public, but one mind found a way to hack the phones of more than five celebrities, and made many young guys dreams come true.
 Society has become accepting of the "sexting" culture, which has led sick minded people to find a way to access the personal lives of celebrities all over the world by hacking into their personal electronics. These celebrities should not be to blame for the leaks, solely based on the fact they had no intention of the general public being able to access pictures of their bodies fully nude with one click of a button.

  Jennifer Lawrence is not at fault for any of this, and men wonder why rape or sexual assault is usually linked to men committing the act, and it's because of sick minded people like the one who leaked these photos. America has found ways to criticize someone famous for doing something that is perfectly legal, but they forget about the ones who commit the repulsive sex crimes of stealing a private electronic and exploit these celebrities bodies for the world to see.
 It is time America looks itself in the face and says this can't happen. It's time to stray away from this sex addicted culture that is ultimately leading to crimes like rape or sexual assault. Next time something like this happens, and I'm sure it will, don't always point your finger because the criminal may be the victim.
 I applaud Jennifer Lawrence, and the other victims who had to be part of this possible career ending debacle, for owning up to the photos. You all aren't the CRIMINALS, you're the VICTIMS.


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